This page includes a list of safety analytical tools designed to help the user identify roadway locations with the best opportunities to improve safety performance and to evaluate design alternatives for their impact on safety.
Evaluation and Design Tools
The Evaluation and Design tools provide a straightforward way to compare the safety performance of different roadway and intersection configurations.
- Safer by Design, roadway design safety scoring tool
- Texas-Specific Safety Performance Functions
- Odessa district operation and safety evaluation tool (tool not available at this moment)
- TxDOT horizontal curve tool
Screening Tools
Screening tools compare safety performance to benchmarks established for different types of roadways to identify the locations with excess crashes.
- Statewide on-system segment tool (Download map files by district)
- Beaumont district segment and intersection tool
Systemic Tools
The Systemic tools identify locations for safety improvements based on roadway characteristics associated with different types of crashes.
- Systemic pedestrian
- Systemic horizontal curve safety
- Systemic intersection
- Systemic median barrier
- Systemic wet weather crash reduction
- Systemic fixed object collisions
- Systemic guardrail collisions
- Widening benefit-cost analysis
- Rumble strips installation benefit-cost analysis
Pedestrian Tools
The Pedestrian Tools provide methods to estimate pedestrian volumes, assess pedestrian safety performance at intersection and mid-block locations, and data from pedestrian safety studies.
- Pedestrian volume estimation
- Pedestrian safety performance function tool
- Pedestrian safety database
- Pedestrian safety outreach materials
Note: a systemic pedestrian tool is under the Systemic Tools section
Other Tools
Other tools include a link to a statewide fatality prediction model, intersection safety performance assessment, TxDOT’s TxSTORM model to identify jurisdictions with over-representations of crashes and maps with risk maps for commercial vehicles.
- NCHRP 17-67 fatality prediction
- Intersection safety performance function tool
- Texas State Trend Over-Representation Model
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety on Rural Roads in Texas (Interactive & Static Roadway Risk Maps)
*Note that this page will be updated periodically. Updated on August 8, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Srinivas Geedipally at [email protected].