The Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Center for Transportation Safety has been involved in multiple projects that identify and address the needs of law enforcement officers in Texas. Of particular importance…
Improving the Collection and Reporting of CMV Crash Data in CRIS
CMV crashes continue to be a significant traffic safety concern in Texas and throughout the United States. A recent analysis of Texas Crash Records Information System (CRIS) data that were…
Street Coaching for Pedestrians and Cyclists: Putting Laws into Practice on University Campuses
The goal of this project is to change the safety mindset of pedestrian and bicycle road users through education, outreach, mobilization, and increasing safety awareness while honoring and embracing the…
Improving CMV Safety on Rural Roads in Texas
Texas is among the top states for fatal crashes involving trucks. Over 50 percent of Texas truck vehicle miles traveled are on rural roadways. This is a concern given that…
Employer-Based Behavioral Traffic Safety Programs
Little was known about if or how behavioral change theories were being used to design and evaluate employer-provided behavior traffic safety programs. This was a concern because rooting interventions in…
Walk. Bike. Safe. Texas
One out of every five fatalities on Texas roadways are a pedestrian or bicyclist. In Fact, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) crash data shows that in 2021 over 900 pedestrians…