One out of every five fatalities on Texas roadways are a pedestrian or bicyclist. In Fact, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) crash data shows that in 2021 over 900 pedestrians and bicyclists were killed on Texas roads. A Texas A&M Transportation Institute survey of Texans in 2022 revealed that knowledge among Texans on pedestrian and bicycle-related laws was low, with respondents only scoring an average of 69 percent on the knowledge section. This project aims to address these issues through education and outreach to Texans on laws and best practices to increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
Key Takeaways:
- The number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities in Texas have more than doubled from 2010 to 2021.
- The project website includes safety tips, laws, videos, educational materials, and more!
- The social media posts and educational videos developed under the grant have been viewed by thousands of online users.

Our Approach:
The Walk. Bike. Safe. Texas project is a data-driven outreach and educational initiative that uses sources such as TxDOT crash data and surveys to inform public messaging on pedestrian and bicycle safety. Messaging is targeted to all road users through presentations, events, and on social media.
Below are a few key findings from our Crash Analysis for Pedestrians and Bicyclists (2016-2020) which informs our education and outreach in Texas.
- 65 of pedestrians were male.
- Nearly half of the drivers were in the 20-39 year age range.
- Males were significantly overrepresented in bicycle crashes, at over 82 percent of bicyclists in crashes.
- Failure to yield right-of-way was the most commonly cited contributing factor in pedestrian crashes for both the drive and pedestrian.
- Driver inattention was a big issue for bicyclists, in addition to failure to yield right-of-way.
When and Where:
- Almost 80 percent of pedestrian fatalities occurred in the dark.
- Over 80 percent of pedestrian fatalities occurred at non-intersections.
- In 2020, the number of bicycle crashes was reduced, but the number of fatalities increased.
These are just a few of our key findings. To view the complete Crash Analysis Report visit our Walk. Bike. Safe. Texas resource page, along with an assortment of education materials and safety videos.
For more information on this project, please contact:
Neal Johnson
TTI Associate Transportation Researcher
(512) 407-1126
[email protected]
Project Title: Walk. Bike. Safe. Texas
Project Start and End Dates: October 2020 – PRESENT
Author List: Neal Johnson, Laura Higgins, Joan Hudson, Gabriella Kolodzy, Hayley Layhew
Sponsor/Funding Source: Texas Department of Transportation Traffic Safety