Project Overview: Between 2017 and October 31, 2021, a total of 1,399 drivers under the age of 26 were involved in fatal crashes with large motor vehicles in the United…
Texas High School Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Education
Project Overview: Texas ranks among the top three states with the highest pedestrian fatality rates, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2019. In 2021,…
Data Innovations to Reduce High-Risk Driving for CMVs on Rural Roadways in Texas
Project Overview: The objective of Data Innovations to Reduce High-Risk Driving for CMVs on Rural Roadways in Texas is to prevent crashes and reduce crash severity for events involving large…
Selection of Horizontal Curve Locations for Implementing Countermeasures to Improve CMV Safety
Project Overview: The mission of the Selection of Horizontal Curve Locations for Implementing Countermeasures to Improve CMV Safety is to prevent crashes and reduce crash severity for collisions involving large…
Understanding Rear-End Crashes Involving Large Trucks on Rural Versus Urban Roads in Texas
Project Overview To address the issue of rear-end collisions involving heavy trucks (HT) in Texas, this project conducted a detailed analysis of two-vehicle rear-end crashes involving a HT. The findings…
Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) for 2022-2027
Project Overview: The mission of the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on state and local roadways. The SHSP is intended to be…