Improving the Collection and Reporting of CMV Crash Data in CRIS

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CMV crashes continue to be a significant traffic safety concern in Texas and throughout the United States. A recent analysis of Texas Crash Records Information System (CRIS) data that were obtained from MicroStrategy, a web portal for accessing CRIS, suggests uncertainties with the completeness of reporting all variables and indicators for CMV-involved crashes in CRIS.

These inconsistencies in the data could lead to the reporting of incorrect crash data, and ultimately the inappropriate allocation of resources and funding. The most accurate CMV crash statistics are crucial since this data does not just impact resource allocation, but impacts countermeasures for protecting the general public. CMV crashes involve CMVs and their drivers, but also other members of the public who are using public roadways. High quality data will also be used for identifying the most effective countermeasures for preventing CMV crashes and associated injuries among everyone involved in the crash. Ultimately, this saves the public money and other resources.

The goal of this project was to utilize data from CRIS to examine the degree to which CMV crashes are underreported in Texas, as well as to obtain information through focus groups with law enforcement organizations, TxDOT, and DPS on potential barriers to reporting CMV crashes. The project resulted in the development of a training and communications plan, as well as tip cards that address CMV crash reporting for law enforcement.

Tip Cards

Training and Communications Plan

Best Practices Report

Request Items

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Eva Shipp 
Senior Research Scientist
(979) 317-2508 
[email protected]