Organizational Area
Alcohol and Drug Impacts
Alcohol and Drug Impacts
The Alcohol and Drug Impacts area focuses on solving problems caused by the irresponsible use of alcohol and other drugs. This area’s Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies (CADES) provides education, outreach, and research related to alcohol and other drugs specifically as they relate to traffic safety.
Our Projects
Texas Impaired Driving Judicial Bench Book and Drug Impaired Driving Judicial Newsletter
Texas impaired driving statutes are dispersed throughout five different sections of the Texas statutes. The purpose of this project was to create an impaired driving Bench Book for Texas judges…
Marijuana and Traffic Safety – Texans’ Attitudes and Policy Toolkit
As a continuation of the previous work done in the Marijuana and Driving: A Look at Texan’s Attitudes and Impact on Driving Under the Influence project in FY 2018, the…
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs and Driving: Attitudes and Behaviors of Drivers
Historically, impaired-driving traffic safety efforts have primarily focused on alcohol and illicit drugs, while many licit drugs (e.g., prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs) have largely been disregarded. Certain prescriptions and over-the-counter…
Mapping the Referral and Treatment Services for the Texas DWI Offender
Impaired driving is a problem in Texas, with the state rating above the national average for impaired-driving motor-vehicle deaths. Addressing these offenders with sanctions and rehabilitation opportunities is crucial to…
Prosecutor Training on the Treatment and Referral Services for the Impaired Driving Offender in Texas
The Prosecutor Training on the Treatment & Referral Services for the Impaired Driving Offender in Texas was a Texas Governor’s Office funded project that offered training to prosecutors on their role in…
TTI Investigates Traffic Safety Impacts of Marijuana Use
As part of a new Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) project, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers are looking into Texans’ attitudes on marijuana use and analyzing the traffic safety…
The Center for Transportation Safety (CTS) has some of the most passionate people in the field dedicated to saving lives on our roads.
Motivated by improving public safety, there is a lot we still don’t know but are determined to discover.
These passionate people wish to share data and solutions that may help stakeholders seeking to reduce impaired driving crashes.
Hear from CTS experts studying the impacts of alcohol and other drugs.