The Prosecutor Training on the Treatment & Referral Services for the Impaired Driving Offender in Texas was a Texas Governor’s Office funded project that offered training to prosecutors on their role in reducing the risk of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) recidivism among impaired driving offenders by sharing evidence-based practices for identifying and selecting treatment plan referral services for DWI offenders.
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) provided the Office of the Governor with a comprehensive final report describing the project efforts in collecting best practices information, the developed training materials, and access to web-based training. All of these provided a comprehensive look at ways the project reduced the risk of recidivism among persons convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) to reduce crime, improve prosecution, and spread the need for increased assessment, evaluation, and treatment among DWI offenders.
Prosecutor Training on the Treatment and Referral Services for the Impaired Driving Offender in Texas – Final Technical Memorandum (November 2021)