Project Overview:
Between 2012 and 2020, a staggering one-third of motorcyclists killed in crashes were found to be impaired by alcohol and/or drugs. Empowering the motorcycling community to take an active role in tackling impaired riding could significantly strengthen the effectiveness of preventive measures.
Key Takeaways:
- From 2012 to 2020, one-third of motorcyclists killed in crashes were impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.
- Interviews and surveys of motorcyclists helped to identify ideas and resources for preventing impaired riding.
- A comprehensive Tool Kit and outreach materials aimed at preventing impaired riding can be accessed at:
Our Approach:
The project team collected data from diverse sources including published literature, motorcycle riders, businesses, and organizations to identify strategies for preventing impaired riding crashes and to tailor messages that resonate with riders.
A Tool Kit containing ideas and resources for preventing impaired riding was disseminated through the LookLearnLive website. Additionally, the project produced outreach videos and graphics intended for use by Look Learn Live and other stakeholders.
For more information on this project, please contact:
Laura Higgins
Associate Research Scientist
(979) 317-2544
[email protected]
Project Title: Reducing Drinking and Riding through Motorcycle Stakeholder Engagement
Project Start and End Dates: October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2023
Author List: Cathy Brooks, Margaret Fowler, Laura Higgins, Kim Sailor, Cody Stewart
Sponsor/Funding Source: Texas Department of Transportation