Improving Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Near Large Trucks and Buses

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Approximately two pedestrians and/or bicyclists are killed every day in crashes involving a large truck or bus. In these crashes, failure to yield right-of-way is a leading contributing factor at intersections and mid-blocks. Simply put, pedestrians and bicyclists may not be aware that large trucks and buses have larger blind spots, wider turning radii, and longer stopping distances than standard roadway vehicles.

The educational materials below have been designed to show the limitations large trucks and buses face and provide suggestions for how pedestrians and bicyclists can stay safe when sharing the road.

Animated Videos




Three brochures depicting the point of view of the large truck or bus and pedestrian and bicyclist safety tips have been created.




These materials were created by Texas A&M Transportation Institute as part of funding provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association.