The Roadway Safety Foundation has honored the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) with a 2021 National Roadway Safety Award. The foundation lauded the…
Deadly Crashes on Rural Roads Prompt New Safety Efforts
Robert Wunderlich, CTS director, is featured in a USA Today story (source: Stateline) discussing built-in safety to prevent traffic crashes. Simple engineering changes such as rumble strips, median barriers, pavement…
Infrastructure Overhaul Should Focus More on Safety
Robert Wunderlich, CTS director, is featured in a Stateline story discussing a “safe system” approach to road planning. The idea is to anticipate human errors by road users, then engineer…
Did We Forget How to Drive During the Pandemic?
CTS Director Robert Wunderlich joins CBS News Radio Los Angeles to talk traffic safety, and addresses concerns over the number of traffic fatalities reported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wunderlich is…
2020 Was the Year Houstonians Stayed Out of Their Cars and Grabbed a Bike. A Record 34 of Them Died.
Robert Wunderlich, center director, is interviewed in a Houston Chronicle article looking at traffic safety during the COVID-19 lockdown, notably the uptick in local fatalities related to the increased popularity…
Despite Fewer Drivers, More People Died On Austin Roads In 2020 Than In The Past Five Years
CTS Director Robert Wunderlich discusses safety trends during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, including the phenomenon of fewer traffic crashes not yielding a commensurate reduction in traffic fatalities.